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Complaints Handling Procedure


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Our Commitment

Axi is committed to:
• providing a high standard of client service;
• addressing complaints efficiently and promptly; and
• maintaining our good reputation for integrity and accountability.

To achieve the above, we rely on your cooperation with our complaint handling staff by providing clear information and behaving reasonably.

Making a Complaint

If you are dissatisfied with our services you can make a complaint:

In writing: AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd, PO Box 585, North Sydney, NSW 2059
By phone:

Calling within Australia: 1300 888 936 (Free in Australia) or +61 2 9965 5830
Calling from outside Australia +61 2 9965 5830

By email:

If you need additional assistance to lodge a complaint, please talk to our staff, who will be able to advice and provide help.

Once we have received your complaint, we will send you a complaint acknowledgement. We will then assess and investigate your case and provide you a response.

Our internal procedures generally allow us up to 30 calendar days to deal with a complaint, if we are unable to resolve the complaint within 30 calendar days, we will:

• inform you of the reasons for the delay;
• provide you with updates on the progress of the complaint;
• specify a date when a decision can be reasonably expected;
• remind you of your right to complain to External Dispute Resolution body; and
• provide you with the contact detail of the External Dispute Resolution body.

External Dispute Resolution

If you are not satisfied with our final response, it is your right to complain to:
• the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) for Australian resident clients; or
• the Financial Disputes Resolution Service (FDRS) for New Zealand resident clients.

AFCA and FDRS are independent external dispute resolution schemes who will make a determination after reviewing your complaint and all relevant issues, for example any relevant laws.

AFCA and FDRS have the authority to resolve the complaint and Axi will be bound by their determination. Should you decide to lodge a complaint with AFCA or FDRS, you can do so free of charge.


Online form:
Mail: The Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: Toll free (Australia only):1800 931 678 Calls from an international number add +61 

Online form:
Mail: Financial Disputes Resolution Service, Freepost 231075, PO Box 2272
Wellington 6140
Phone: Freephone: 0508 337 337. International calls: If you are calling from outside New Zealand, call +64 4 381 5047