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Unclaimed Monies

Businesses in NSW send information to Revenue NSW about money owed to people they cannot find.  Revenue NSW provides this service to enable money to be found and returned to the right person.


If an account has been inactive for 2 years or more, represents a balance of $100 or less and Axi has been unable to reach the rightful owner of the funds, the account balance may have been voluntarily sent to Revenue NSW.    


If an account with a balance of more than $100 has been inactive for more than 6 years and after Axi has made reasonable attempts to return the funds owing to the rightful owner, the account balance may have been sent to Revenue NSW, as required by the Unclaimed Monies Act.            


You can check the Revenue NSW website to claim funds that may be owing to you: or contact our Client Service team to find out if you have any money owing.