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US Dollars vs Thai Baht (USD/THB)

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What is USD/THB?

USD/THB is the foreign exchange (forex) pair representing the exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Thai baht (THB). In this currency pair, USD is the base currency, while THB is the quote currency. The exchange rate indicates how much Thai baht is needed to purchase one United States dollar.

For example, if the USD/THB exchange rate is 32.50, it means that 1 USD is equivalent to 35.02 THB.

What affects the price of the USD/THB pair?

The exchange rate between the United States dollar (USD) and the Thai baht (THB) can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

US Federal Reserve and Bank of Thailand Interest Rate decisions can affect the exchange rate and potentially increase demand for the country's currency, leading to an appreciation of its value. If the US Federal Reserve raises interest rates, for instance, it can lead to a stronger USD against the THB.

Other factors that could affect the value of the USD/THB pair are the trade balance between the two countries and other major economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, inflation, and the employment rate. A strong economic performance can attract investment and increase a currency’s value, while weak economic data could lead to currency depreciation.

Thai government interventions can directly intervene in the foreign exchange market to stabilise the baht's value, particularly during periods of extreme volatility. These interventions involve buying or selling foreign currencies to influence the supply and demand dynamics in the market. By doing so, the government aims to maintain a stable exchange rate and protect the country's export competitiveness.

Thailand is heavily reliant on exports and tourism. The demand for Thai goods and services from other countries, as well as the number of tourists visiting Thailand, can impact the economy. Events like global economic downturns or geopolitical tensions can lead to fluctuations in these sectors and affect the value of the Thai baht.


Thailand is susceptible to natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which can disrupt agricultural production, supply chains, and overall economic activity.

What to watch out for when trading USD/THB?

  • US Federal Reserve and Bank of Thailand Interest Rate decisions and monetary policy announcements
  • US and Thai data on Trade Balance, Unemployment Rate, Consumer Price Index (CPI), GDP, and manufacturing and services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)
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