• /int
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  • http://www.axi.group/ar
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  • http://www.axiedge.site/en-my
  • http://www.axiconnect.online/cn
  • http://www.axiedge.pro/chn
  • /es-mx
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  • http://www.edge-cn.co/id
  • /it-ch
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  • http://www.axi-investments.com/vn
  • /za
  • http://www.solarisih.com/vu
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Making Online Safety #1 Priority 

Trade from anywhere, stay safe always 

Axi uses the latest and most advanced security measures to safeguard your funds, personal information, and privacy 24/7. Learn more about how to stay secure online.  

Your data is your business only

Learn how to spot fake websites

Did you spot it? Now report it!

Industry-leading Cybersecurity providers 

We are aligning our security operations to ensure that they reach the highest International Standard, the ISO27001 framework. Conformity with industry-leading service providers ensures: 

Data encryption

Cybersecurity’s best practices
around data encryption and

Safe online transactions

Keeping online transactions
private and secure

Compliance and effectiveness

Internal audits verify that our
cybersecurity practices are
enshrined in this International

Learn how to prevent fraud 

Find out how to spot fraudulent trading websites and suspicious contact claiming to be Axi.

We will Never

  • Ask for your password, access codes, or any sensitive account information.
  • Give investment advice or offer a guarantee of any returns of investment.
  • Request that you make any transfers to and from your account. Also, only make payments via the official Axi portal.

We Will Always

  • Have a secure web address. Our secure official page is https://www.axi.com/eu
  • Communicate with you transparently and professionally via our official communication channels.
  • Name our regulators on our official website and provide our registration number.

Not sure whether you are dealing with a fake website? 

  • Go to the Client Portal 

Go to the official Axi client portal to access our services. 

Click Here

  • Go to our regulators

Check the CYSEC’s to confirm contact details.

Click Here

Spot it, report it 

Axi takes a proactive role in preventing online fraud and protecting your funds and personal information. We highly advise you to act immediately, if you suspect a fraudulent website by reporting it directly to Axi.  

Get in touch 

If someone calls you or sends you text messages claiming to be Axi, we need to be informed immediately. Get in touch using

Protect your personal data online

Links and attachments:

Think before you click on a link or attachment supposedly from your bank, utilities providers, tax service or other legitimate organisations. Fraudsters often use sophisticated communication methods.  Make sure to check for spelling errors and email addresses that don’t seem right. If in doubt, don’t click. 

Secure websites:

Websites should display the secure https protocol, which indicates that all communications with the server are encrypted. If there is no secure browsing mode, this means that the site is vulnerable to hackers and cyberattacks.  

Spot fake domain names:

Steer clear of any websites claiming to be a legitimate and reputable company but are only created recently. An example of a fake Axi domain is axiau.pro.  

Internet security package:

Ensure you have internet security in place but remember this software will not provide 100% protection and all the other steps should still be taken. 

Privacy Settings:

Review the privacy settings on your social media accounts and check what information you are publicly sharing. It will be safest to only allow friends to see your posts, comments and profile information. You may see "Sign Up with Facebook" or "Sign Up with Google" options but try and avoid logging into other sites with your social media credentials. 

Social media and fraud awareness

  • Fraudsters set up social media accounts and include false images of trading statements and cash balances to make claims that they are profitable traders.
  • If you are approached out of the blue on a social media site by someone offering an investment opportunity it is probably a scam.
  • Individuals may claim to work for, or be affiliated with, genuine regulated firms using logos or other altered images. Always check your local financial regulator’s website and use verifiable contact details.
  • Please be wary of payments made to an account that is not in the name of the company.

Individuals Impersonating the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (“the CySEC”)

CySEC has from, time-to-time, detected cases of fraudulent impersonation of CySEC Officers and representatives by imposters requesting information from the email recipients, or soliciting fees, in exchange for settlement of bogus compensation claims related to firms under CySEC supervision.

Investors should remember that CySEC never sends unsolicited correspondence to investors or members of the public, nor does it ever request any personal data, financial or otherwise. Investors are strongly advised to contact CySEC to confirm the authenticity of any such communication by contacting info@cysec.gov.cy before taking any action. CySEC has issued multiple public warnings when similar cases occur, which are published on its website, such as this warning. You can find the up-to-date CySEC warning list here.