Discover the best technical indicators and find out which are the most effective for traders. Click here to see the 17 most used trading indicators.
Currencies fluctuate every second of the day and some traders are seeking the most volatile currency pairs to trade. Discover the volatile FX pairs here.
The top 10 largest and most valuable companies in the world by market capitalization, number of employees, revenue, earnings, and assets.
Learn about the top 10 strongest and most valuable currencies in the world and how they are valued against the world's reserve currency, the U.S. dollar.
Discord is one of the most widely anticipated IPOs on Wall Street. A listing is likely to occur on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ.
An IPO has been in the talks for Revolut. While there is no date yet for the Revolut IPO, a listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) seems most likely.
Discover some of the most commonly used forex trading strategies utilised in the market. Learn to execute trades with strong forex strategies in place.
The forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world and exceeds a daily trading volume of $6bn. Learn about forex market participants here.