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Complaints Handling Procedure

AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd (AxiCorp) is committed to:

We welcome feedback on our service at any time. If you are dissatisfied with our services please give us the opportunity to fix the problem. We will investigate, answer your questions and work hard so you enjoy trading with AxiCorp.
AxiCorp’s complaints handling procedures seek to ensure complaints are reviewed in detail and result in fair resolutions to customer complaints.

What is a complaint?

AxiCorp defines a complaint as “an expression of dissatisfaction made to us, related to our products or services, or our complaints handling process, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected”, which is derived from ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Handling (“ISO 10002”). 

How to make a complaint

Any member of AxiCorp staff can receive a customer complaint and has the responsibility to do everything within their authority to resolve the issue at the first point of contact.

Where a member of staff feels they lack the experience, expertise or authority to settle the matter immediately, they may refer the matter to their supervisor.
We may ask you to provide details to us in writing. This includes specifying the nature of the complaint, providing us with specific details, and the desired outcome or action you wish AxiCorp to take to settle the complaint to your satisfaction. We may ask you to provide relevant material to support the complaint; doing this will help us respond quickly.

You can contact our Client Services team through any of the contact details below:
AxiTrader Limited


On receipt of your complaint our staff will discuss the issue with you and, if required, will complete an investigation.

Whilst our internal procedures generally allow us up to 14 days to deal with a complaint, every effort will be made to resolve complaints with 21 calendar days of receipt.

If we are unable to resolve the complaint within 14 days we will: (a) inform you of the reasons for the delay; (b) provide you with updates on the progress of the complaint; and (c) specify a date when a decision can be reasonably expected. We would expect that in most cases the above process would deal with the matter fully and to your satisfaction.


External Dispute Resolution

In addition to our internal dispute resolution procedures, Axi is a member of the Financial Commission, an alternative complaints handling forum external to Axi. The Financial Commission is a free dispute resolution service for Axi clients where Axi is unable to resolve a dispute to the client’s satisfaction.

The decision-making process and administration of the Financial Commission’s Dispute Resolution Committee is independent of Axi, decisions are binding on Axi and the Financial Commission provides Axi clients access to a compensation fund to cover judgments of up to EUR20,000 per client. More information about the Financial Commission is available from their website at https://financialcommission.org/


Date of Issue: 29 August 2019