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En savoir plus sur comment trader le forex avec Axi ou découvrir le bon type de compte de trading pour vous : compte de trading standard, pro ou sans swap.
Le trading Forex est l'achat et la vente de devises sur le marché des changes. Lorsque vous négociez des devises en ligne, vous comptez sur la valeur de la devise qui changera en votre faveur à l'avenir. Pour améliorer vos chances de réussir votre trading, il est utile de mieux comprendre comment fonctionne le trading forex..
En tant que trader, vous avez le choix entre de nombreuses plates-formes de trading qui vous offrent différentes options pour trader le forex en ligne et viennent avec une gamme de fonctionnalités et de capacités.
MetaTrader 4 est le choix intelligent pour les commerçants en ligne du monde entier qui recherchent un avantage commercial. Simple pour les débutants et pleine de fonctions avancées pour les professionnels, la plateforme MT4 vous aide à débloquer des possibilités de trading illimitées.
Autochartist analyse en permanence le marché à la recherche d'opportunités commerciales personnalisées, en fonction des prix en temps réel et de vos configurations commerciales spécifiques, puis vous alerte sur les transactions potentielles.
Axi keeps the cost of online forex trading low with competitive spreads. Traders access a wide range of currencies, commodities and indices using our platform for the low spreads. At times, our market-leading spreads even go as low as 0.0 pips and we are always striving to ensure they are some of the most competitive you will find.
For your information, a ‘spread’ is the small cost built into the buy (bid) and sell (ask) price of every currency pair trade. It is also known as ‘markup’ and can also be explained as the cost of trading. The benefit of trading on the foreign exchange is that spread costs are generally very low but it’s always good to shop around to find the lowest spreads.
Our forex trading platform is able to provide competitive spreads thanks to our network of tier-one prime brokers and liquidity providers; global banks and financial institutions. These trusted sources give us access to a wider pool of liquidity. As a result, we can pass low spreads to our clients.
Axi offers over 70 forex currency pairs. These include the major, minor and exotic currency pairs, so you can diversify your approach to trading on the foreign exchange market with Axi. Check out the live forex spreads of our most popular currency pairs.
A micro lot is equal to 1,000 units of base currency, while a mini lot is 10,000 units of base currency.
Axi allows traders to trade mini and micro lots as well as standard lots. Not all trading platforms offer this capability.
Once you have opened an Axi trading account and are ready to trade forex online, you can deposit funds via credit card, BPAY or bank transfer. You can also use Neteller, SKRILL/Moneybookers, China Union Pay, WeChat or Bankwire.
Axi charges no fees for funding and withdrawals to your trading account. We implement high industry standards of encryption to ensure your account is fully protected. Discover all our payment methods.
When you have a standard forex trading account with Axi, you will not be charged fees or commissions and you can use your account as much or as little as you like.
If you set up a Pro account for online forex trading, you will be charged a small commission of USD$3.50 per lot ($7 round trip) in conjunction with having lower spreads.